Criminals within the crime fighters?

โ€œWe are not just crime fighters, we must work smart and safely to fight the criminalsโ€ย  – the delegates of the crime-fighting cabinet exclaim as they meticulously try to discover the secret location of the criminals in London while being clad in bodyguards. Meanwhile, the criminals are experiencing a different type of crisis – an identity one, the delegates struggle to understand their roles as mafia leaders while trying to plan attacks on the crime fighters. Donald Trump has been overthrown although the reasoning for that from the criminals and crime fighters is not unclear. The values of the UN promoting peace is keeping the crime fighters from executing every one of the crime leaders, bringing them to a more complex solution – overthrowing the crime organizations from the inside by implanting moles.

We will have to stay tuned for further updates. For now, be on the lookout for organized crime in your corner.

–Gossip Girl

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